You are so right. Sadly, the very ones who could have prevented this did not. The Lord, I believe needed His people to believe and act like they believed He would take care of them, and so many did not. It was easier to go along with the madness, the lies, the 'elected' politicians. However, praise God, God always wins in the end, and so believing believers that hold on to Him will win with Him. In the meantime, we hold on to His precious Word, and rejoice that He is always the victor, and we with Him.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Pinned

Uniparty? Without the cooperation of churchianity, it wouldn't exist. How so?


All this, and our Christian moral leaders cannot find their voices. So, then, what exactly is this display of religion on Sunday mornings? Is it not true that God does not want our worship if we do not first establish justice in the land (Amos 5:21-24)? Wouldn’t it be true that when our government can fully partner in committing genocide with no outcry from Christian leaders, that the churches of America are certainly dead with regards to any worship that God will accept?

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Well said. Thank you.

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Jun 10Liked by Francis Christian

As always dr Christian your writing is profound and full of truth - no longer ‘conspiracy theories’ whatever that term means!!!!

Always I am left with the question -how do we broadcast this message and information to the masses? We do see a movement to awaken to the truth and articles like this are essential in this process.

I am left to pray - believing in the power of the Resurrection to overcome all that is in the way. Amen

Blessing to you and your family dr Christian

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The essay is, like the Curate's Egg, "good in parts."

But it repeats many of the truisms which are not true, eg that the US Constitution legislated that the "pursuit of happiness" has some sort of quasi-divine authority; it has not - instead, we are told that "In the world ye shall have tribulation," and that only "In His Presence is fullness of joy," - not here in this present evil world.

Nowhere in scripture is "happiness" promoted as an end in itself; this is a worldly idea deriving not from scripture, but from its antithesis, ie humanism; and we should note the legal definition of that word "human," , ie "a kind of monster."

"Life and Liberty" are also concepts which are placed in the context of service to God and subordination to His will; they are not ends in themselves, as this document gaslights you into believing, and into thinking that you can seek after them in your own power, and for your own selfish ends; because they are your "human rights".

They are not.

Think of that greatest evidence for subordination to God; ie the laying down of your life for His glory, and as in the case of Paul, the surrendering of one's liberty so that God might be the more glorified.

Furthermore of course, this glorious although short-lived flowering of exalted ideology in the US was by no means the first time that these ideas had been promulgated; those with historical nous recognise that these men originated from England, wherein under the Saxon kings whose lineage extended far back in time, law was always subject to "We the people," inasmuch as any legislation passed by the elite always had its nemesis in the Trial by Jury; ie a group of 12 men could annul such legislation according to their conscience, and not according to the direction of a "judge," or the paid-for representative of a power elite whose interests would be served by that legislation, and not by the rights of ordinary men and women before the One True God.

And thus, the Great Charter of 1215, which didn't introduce these things, but reasserted them to a king who had forgotten them.

Those reading these words from the writer will perhaps note the strange omission of any obvious reference to who these powerful elites are who so oppress and enslave us in the present day, and thus, the nature of our fight against them is obscured and obfuscated.

All one has to do to address this omission, is to note the extreme prevalence of one particular ethnic group around the present Great Leader of the Uniparty in the US, and the presence of exactly the same group around the bolshevik leaders of soviet Russia in a past age, to arrive at scriptural understanding, and to recognise the wisdom of the Creator, Who described them as being "of their father the devil."

Ultimately of course, we wrestle not against this flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in a higher realm, and this central truth as delineated by scripture is entirely absent from the humanist document the writer builds his essay around.

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I don't have 50 years to give to this tyranny

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