Dear Dr Francis Christian. This is Peter Breggin. Your column was like a soaring sermon of truth for the world. Ginger read it to me aloud and it was deeply inspiring. Your use of the term ghoul to describe the global forces pulling the strings of the infantile comedian was stunning. On watching the entire press conference in the Oval Office we see a man whose behavior was less mature than Elon Musk’s small child weeks earlier. And we see President Trump being gently restrained as he shows more empathy for the Ukrainian people than the puppet himself. But when the frustrated puppet threatened America on behalf of the Global Predators, President Trump had no choice but to exert his authority and dismiss him. We are restacking your wonderful column and hope many others will too. God bless you!

We were honored to interview you for our radio show a year ago and look forward to speaking with you again soon.


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Dear Peter,

It is my honour and privilege, Sir, to know you - and to acknowledge your magnificent, life-long, brilliant work against the global predators; and on behalf of millions of patients everywhere.


You are my hero, Peter.

Thank you for the honour of restacking my essay, Sir.

God bless you too!!

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This is an excellent summary, Dr. Christian, thank you for writing this.

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Well written, thankyou Dr. Christian. God bless you.

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Thank you...very timely. Alas, my Facebook feed is teaming with "friends" who are "standing with Ukraine." I had a few back and forths. Most are unreachable. Their TDS has hijacked their higher ordered thinking. Or maybe it's the media that has done so. Perhaps, both in combination have done so. Regardless, I'm with you. Peace is the only way forward. We've too much at stake.

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While I'm agnostic, I find your words transcending and comforting. Thank you, Sir. Well done!

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Speaking as a Ukrainian, It’s often overlooked that Zelenskyy’s rise to power was backed by elements connected to the global elite, which includes groups such as the Kazarian mafia and Zionist factions within the U.S. government. This coalition played a significant role in fostering the current conflict, which primarily benefits those in control of the political establishments in the U.S., Israel, and Ukraine.

From the information I received through friends and relatives in Ukraine early in the conflict, what was happening on the ground seemed vastly different from what was reported in mainstream media. It became clear that the situation was being manipulated by those who have much to gain from ongoing instability in the region.

The Ukrainian government, under Zelenskyy, allowed or even encouraged extreme militant groups, some of whom have been linked to neo-Nazi ideologies from Poland and Romania, to target and murder ethnic Russians in the Donbass region. This violence was a crucial factor in Russia’s decision to intervene. Sadly, this part of the story has not received the attention it deserves from the global community, and many remain unaware of the scale of the violence that transpired.

Additionally, Zelenskyy’s announcement a year prior to the conflict, declaring Ukraine’s intent to join NATO despite it being strictly forbidden in 2014, contributed significantly to the escalation. This move violated previous agreements made with Russia and set the stage for the tensions that followed.

There was also international confirmation of biological weapons laboratories near the Russian border in Ukraine, which were partially funded by the U.S. government.

After the election, Zelenskyy reportedly received guidance from U.S. officials, including Secretary of State at the time, who instructed him against signing the Minsk agreements—a key diplomatic effort to resolve the situation in Donbass. Zelenskyy, in turn, complied with these orders, further cementing his role as a puppet of foreign interests.

While some are beginning to see the truth of the situation, it’s important to recognize that the ruling “establishment” who created the conflict are now positioning themselves to "solve" it. They are using their new administration as a puppet to restore order, all while granting said, puppet credibility, and maintaining control over the region and its future.


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As a nationalist, I respect any Ukrainian’s desire to maintain their sovereignty and identity. However, Zelenskyy and the ruling “establishment” have exploited this desire, even going so far as to import neo-Nazis from Poland and Romania to murder ethnically Russian people in Donbass.

The media has deliberately fueled division between Ukrainians and Russians, much like how identity politics in North America turns neighbours against each other.

If you placed a room full of Russians and Ukrainians together, you wouldn’t be able to tell us apart until we spoke. It deeply bothers me that Slavs are killing each other when our numbers are already so few in the world.

To make matters worse, around 700,000 Ukrainian men—some of the country’s most masculine—have died in this conflict. Their sons will be raised by state-controlled media, the very state that played a major role in creating this war. How can we trust the same forces responsible for this conflict to raise the next generation of men?

If you think Ukraine’s problems are bad now, just wait 20 years to see how the next generation of these boys will turn out.

It’s also worth noting that Russia, unlike Ukraine, has no shortage of soldiers. They are paying their soldiers $96,000 per year to fight, and if they die, their families automatically receive $150,000 along with a substantial portion of the soldier's pension for life.

Meanwhile, Ukraine is rounding up young men off the streets, forcing them into conscription to fight and, in all likelihood, die to maintain this charade. Money laundering is just one small aspect of this conflict. The real goal of the ruling “establishment” is the destabilization of the region, which, by the way, sits on some of the most fertile soil in the world.

Makes you wonder about the rumours that Blackrock already has the construction contracts to rebuild Ukraine, and Palestine (Gaza).

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So well said. It gives my heart peace to know others see so clearly what i a supposed conspiracy theorist also see. I Canadian btw and maybe Ive had more experience recognizing the ghouls.

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What led to the death of all these young men to begin with?

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Amen. Have been saying this since the war began.

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Beautiful and powerful - thank you!🙏🏻♥️

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Agree - and all we have to do now is convince DaPulpits and Pews - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2022/12/satans-wars-christians-killing.html?m=0 - the evidence ain't pretty!

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You show penetrating insight, Dr. Christian. Thank you for your astute analysis.

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Language: You have someone in tow, not in “toe”.

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The loss is incredibly sad. The world is overdue for peace..

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So well said. It gives my heart peace to know others see so clearly what i a supposed conspiracy theorist also see. I Canadian btw and maybe Ive had more experience recognizing the goules.

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A bit simplistic? Russia has a 900-year history of a police state with very few attempts at democracy, unlike much of eastern and western Europe. Putin has made it clear that he wants Russia's empire back while the U.S. wants to promote its corporate, financial, and strategic interests in Ukraine. And what do you do when the country being supported by the west in three years of war becomes little better in human rights than the enemy? Its burned-out leader gets slapped down in public by a narcissist in charge of a superpower? A complete human mess in need of a miracle!

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History might disagree with the history we learned in public school.....at least that was my experience.......almost everything turned out to be 'bass-ackward'. Our faith in democracy - and it is faith without substance - is mostly misplaced. As Augustine wrote about faith: "Faith comes from hearing, but understanding comes from knowledge and knowledge comes by sight." - and as I have learned myself - the Bible is all over that idea that - as Hosea said: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge!".......

"I’m not certain that democracy is definitely the worst form of government. Certainly, representative democracy is making a powerful claim to the title, and it’s true that the more the franchise expands, the worse the elected governments get. But it is certainly a lot easier to understand why the American Founding Fathers were so skeptical of the concept and determined to limit it." - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2023/12/the-worst-form-of-government-vox-popoli.html?m=0 - and many more to read at - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=Democracy&updated-max=2022-11-10T09:15:00-08:00&max-results=20&by-date=true&m=1 - arranged by date - newest first

And PS - would be interested in your sources for "Putin has made it clear that he wants Russia's empire back" - always willing to learn!

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Shortly before the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Putin gave a long, rambling speech televised to Russians about the need to regain the territories (Eastern Europe) controlled by the former Soviet Union that were given up by Yeltsin when a weak Russia was transitioning to capitalism.

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You didn't read the links I posted, did you? Most folks who respond to me don't - but they're adamant about what they believe - so I respectfully bow out of a useless conversation.

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