The ghoulish, demonic, lust for blood we have witnessed from European (and Canadian) leaders this past fortnight, is profoundly disturbing. But more of the mask of evil has fallen off and the people have begun to understand the depth of the depravity that drives the predator class of leaders that now govern our nations.
“I want peace,” exclaims President Trump.
“We want war,” exclaim the depraved leadership of Europe and Canada (and these latter I shall now refer to collectively as the “ghouls”)
“I want to stop the bloodshed,” says President Trump.
“We want the blood letting to continue,” exclaim the ghouls.
“I want to stop young Russian and young Ukrainian men from dying in their thousands every week,” pleads President Trump.
“We want Ukraine to keep “fighting” and thousands of young men to die week on week, endlessly,” exclaim the ghouls.
Yesterday, the “moderately successful comedian,” now the dictator of Ukraine went to the White House with a fresh infusion of demonic bravado administered to him by the ghouls. Feted in European capitals by the ghouls for three years, lionized as a “new Churchill,” given billions of dollars of our money by the ghouls, the “moderately successful comedian” was a perfect foil for the smooth talking ghouls. The evil exuded by Zelensky in the oval office was palpable - and the world could see (for many this was the first such revelation) that evil unmasked is better than evil in disguise - the latter being able to deceive and destroy and loot for longer, without recognition.
A most interesting and ridiculous phenomenon has emerged. Pip-squeak nations like Estonia are stridently declaring that more weapons must be delivered to kill even more young men on both sides. Further West, the once mighty military powers France and England, now emasculated and completely dependant on the protection of the United States, are also flourishing their imaginary swords across Europe and pretending that they can do battle with Russia on their own! Little puppies do indeed make the most noise!
When Vice President Vance told the “moderately successful comedian” (and ghoul) that young Ukrainian conscripts were being forcibly and violently kidnapped and forced to the front lines of the killing fields of Ukraine, the comedian uttered a profanity in Ukrainian which was picked up by the “hot mike” and relayed to the world. But many across the world have now picked up on the tragedy of young Ukrainian men being forcibly sent by the ghouls to die. Many more millions on social media have now seen first person video evidence of forced conscription and kidnapping.
All this was well known to the ghouls. The princes and princesses of darkness now in charge of England, France, Germany, most of Europe (except Hungary and Slovakia) and Canada have known for a very long time that there was not a hope in hell of a Ukrainian victory over a nuclear superpower. That there was no hope in hell that Ukraine could “retake Crimea.” And still they managed to convince large sections of their own populations that young men dying in their thousands every week, whilst Russia made steady gains on the front lines, was the only possible subject of conversation that could be allowed. (Otherwise, of course, you were a “Putin stooge.”)
“I want young Ukrainian men and young Russian men not to die. I want them to go back to their mothers and their families,” implores an increasingly frustrated President Trump.
“We want more blood letting. We want more young widows, more weeping mothers, more mass graves,” scream the ghouls.
All the screaming will soon stop. And the slaying of the ghouls of war has already begun. The President of the United States has had enough. The riot act has been read to the demons and they will soon be neutralized. They are lashing out with incoherent sounds, with the ghouls racing from capital to capital with the “moderately successful comedian” in toe. But the President of peace is watching the spectacle of the ghouls drowning and thrashing about. He will let them sink.
No President of the United States (and perhaps least of all the present occupant) can tolerate the desecration of the storied Oval Office by a moderately successful comedian and ghoul. Reprisals and retribution will follow swiftly, as night follows day.
For those of us who are on the side of light and peace; for those of us who believe that fine young Ukrainians and fine young Russians are merely pawns in the game of the ghouls; for those of us who were once in deep despair at the ferocity of the blood letting being propagated by the ghouls. And for those of us who have always believed that “with God, nothing shall be impossible,” the miracles toward peace we have witnessed in the last fortnight should fortify and comfort us in the sure assurance that “where sin abounded, Grace did much more abound.”
Godspeed to the peacemakers. They are the blessed ones, they are the ones who shall inherit the Kingdom of God.
Dear Dr Francis Christian. This is Peter Breggin. Your column was like a soaring sermon of truth for the world. Ginger read it to me aloud and it was deeply inspiring. Your use of the term ghoul to describe the global forces pulling the strings of the infantile comedian was stunning. On watching the entire press conference in the Oval Office we see a man whose behavior was less mature than Elon Musk’s small child weeks earlier. And we see President Trump being gently restrained as he shows more empathy for the Ukrainian people than the puppet himself. But when the frustrated puppet threatened America on behalf of the Global Predators, President Trump had no choice but to exert his authority and dismiss him. We are restacking your wonderful column and hope many others will too. God bless you!
We were honored to interview you for our radio show a year ago and look forward to speaking with you again soon.
This is an excellent summary, Dr. Christian, thank you for writing this.