Thank you for this beautiful essay Dr. Christian. As well, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your essay (speech) you gave at the Free Speech in Medicine Conference. Such thoughtful and nuanced perspectives and brilliant knowledge of history from a Biblical worldview.
Thank you for celebrating common sense and decency. I do not personally know any truckers, but my intuition is to trust and respect people who do such a responsible job and deliver to us a constant supply of good and products. When the truckers were in Ottawa, their presence gave me an intuitive feeling of safety, hope and faith in humanity and common sense. And yet, some people reported feeling the exact opposite. This means that "the trucker" has become a symbol of how divided we are: looking at the same reality and feeling opposite things. I cannot tell people how to feel, but any accusations against the truckers should be backed by evidence, not just feeling. After all, Canadians do have the democratic right to peacefully protest.
And by the way, intellectuals should not assume that truckers are not well educated. I imagine that some truckers have quite a bit of time to listen to audiobooks and podcasts while driving, so driving a truck could potentially also be an intellectual pursuit . . .
Thank you, for continuing to shine a light on the absurdities from which we can't escape. If the wrongs are not righted, I despair that our world will never be the same. I keep praying for the truth to go from a trickle to a tsunami, but in the meantime, I am grateful for those willing to risk all in order to get the "word" out.
One of the best moments was driving 10 hours to the freedom convoy rally in Indiana to pray hand-in-hand with 2,000 other people. Nope, not gonna give up the fight.
Thank you for this beautiful essay Dr. Christian. As well, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your essay (speech) you gave at the Free Speech in Medicine Conference. Such thoughtful and nuanced perspectives and brilliant knowledge of history from a Biblical worldview.
Thank you. I was beginning to think we had forgotten our truckers and how they unified those with their eyes opened!!!
Thank you for celebrating common sense and decency. I do not personally know any truckers, but my intuition is to trust and respect people who do such a responsible job and deliver to us a constant supply of good and products. When the truckers were in Ottawa, their presence gave me an intuitive feeling of safety, hope and faith in humanity and common sense. And yet, some people reported feeling the exact opposite. This means that "the trucker" has become a symbol of how divided we are: looking at the same reality and feeling opposite things. I cannot tell people how to feel, but any accusations against the truckers should be backed by evidence, not just feeling. After all, Canadians do have the democratic right to peacefully protest.
And by the way, intellectuals should not assume that truckers are not well educated. I imagine that some truckers have quite a bit of time to listen to audiobooks and podcasts while driving, so driving a truck could potentially also be an intellectual pursuit . . .
Thank you, for continuing to shine a light on the absurdities from which we can't escape. If the wrongs are not righted, I despair that our world will never be the same. I keep praying for the truth to go from a trickle to a tsunami, but in the meantime, I am grateful for those willing to risk all in order to get the "word" out.
For those interested, Thomas Sowell touches on this theme in 'Intellectuals and Society'. He holds no punches on what he thinks about intellectuals.
Excellent article. Thank you.
One of the best moments was driving 10 hours to the freedom convoy rally in Indiana to pray hand-in-hand with 2,000 other people. Nope, not gonna give up the fight.