The humanities have tremendous potential to humanize, to broaden the mind and to remind us of the limitations of reducing human beings to being the objects of scientific study. But the humanities too, like other disciplines of knowledge, can be corrupted into an "intellectual game" or "accomplishment" to add to one's CV if the spirit of humility and service is not nurtured. And about some aspects of medicine being on the verge of being replaceable by AI: coercing people into getting vaccinated and sometimes refusing to engage in discussions about possible vaccine adverse effects demonstrates the point. An algorithm can easily be programmed to tell people that they must get vaccinated and to dismiss any concern. If medicine becomes mechanical and controlling, one has to wonder if Walt Whitman's mid-nineteenth-century poem "Song of Myself" will become a prophecy for the future: "The lunatic is carried at last to the asylum a confirm'd case, (He will never sleep any more as he did in the cot in his mother's bed-room;)."

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Dr Christian,

Your musings are appreciated.'

I hope that your article helps the patient to understand why Doctors in many Western Countries are so ignorant about how to PRACTICE Medicine.

And trust that there shall be a revolution in choosing Scholars to train in the ART of Medicine, and the content and standards of Teaching medicine in the Universities' is given a complete overhaul with a limited input from Big Pharma. This is one of the areas that should be funded by the taxpayers, as it used to be - NOT Big Pharma and vested interest groups. Utilising monies that pay for endless Wars and their "contributors". Fabricated WARS that the majority of people have no desire for.

Obtain input from patients as Cochrane Solutions used to do, before Billy boy placed a Journalist as the CEO, into that excellent scientific group that was complemented by 30,000 International Scientists', removing Dr Peter C Gøtzsche CEO (one of the two Founders) who is eminently qualified in Science and other medical areas.

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