You have practically presented an otherwise emotional consensus of history, politics, and spirituality. Thank you for your points and prose, organizing disparate items into a digestible feast of facts. I agree, for what that is worth.

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You are right that it will take more people...People are sheep...if we can awaken the sheep to follow the truth! You mentioned Boycotting...which is one of the best moves as this attacks them where it hurts the most! MONEY AND PROFITS! If we can share Boycotting of their goods they sell...I already practice this...but if we can get more sheep to boycott as well...

Vax is one of the best boycotts at the moment...but there are many more...Blackrock and Vanguard, any of their wef companies...pharmaceuticals, major banks, maybe make a huge boycott list....that some people are not aware of... :-)

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Might I offer you add to your arsenal the buycott? It goes hand in hand with the boycott.

Also, if you have not yet, watch some of Yuri Brezmenov’s information on ideological subversion. There is, according to him, learned via his KGB training, a tipping point when it comes to sheep. Those unable to perceive something has gone horribly amiss at this juncture of time, space and depravity, are best left nestled in their little ‘back to’, ‘new’ and other ridiculous ‘normal’s. They have not and do not perceive this war nor its implements of destruction because they can’t handle it. Point blank, they will panic and behave stupidly, putting the rest of us at risk. Try encouraging ‘Cash Only Fridays’ or ‘Shopkeeper Cash’ - yet another way they can heroically save their neighbors, they way they saved them with their preposterous masks and sacrificial rolled up sleeves… why, for heaven’s sake tell them that if they have received graphene hydroxide intramuscularly, they are walking dead - no more than 5 years to the grave?

BUYCOT! Contact your nearest County Extension Office and learn where the producers are. Make contact. Buy direct. Show up in closed toe shoes and have some gloves in your car, look for some small chore you can perform (like picking up sticks and placing them in a pile, or picking up trash - the old rule still stands, farmers, ranchers and herders do not allow workers to go hungry.) Join Farm Bureau and attend meetings, find out how you can actively support producers in your area. Find your tribe! Leave the sheep to their intended purpose, I’m sorry, truly, I am… Sheep are for slaughter.

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All of this is good. However.

At the moment, media don’t report demonstrations. Either at all, or they lie & hugely understate numbers. They lie about motives & pick the worst behaviours to focus upon (if they mention it at all). It’s a very successful set of techniques from the tyrants. It works.

Unless the major media can be somehow forced to report demonstrations, while they serve other purposes, principally to show each other that large numbers of people share our objections, civil disobedience won’t succeed.

Also, an insufficient number of people are awake and wiling and able to demonstrate. Only a tiny number can do so often. These numbers are simple to counter: ignore & if necessary, overwhelming force would be applied by the authorities.

I think other means of objecting are required. I’ve experienced people on our side being unwilling to go to cash for everything that can be paid for in cash. Too inconvenient, apparently. I find that devastating that we won’t even do that.

And while I don’t know what to do, the civil action must be something that cannot be ignored, like the Canadian truckers, the Dutch farmers.

In closing, I absolutely agree that IF effective mass objections can be found, we can stop the tyrants. This is an important article, because it shows what can work, given certain preconditions.

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You are not an idol, yet you are idolized by many. Your voice is (mostly) gentle yet firm and clear. Your message is and has been unwavering.

We warriors, from the towering heroes to the simplest of defenders often grow weary, at least I do… I rest on the education you have gifted to me; the knowledge you share. I rest on your stalwart mission and message, ie: “Fauci and them change their story, Mike sounds like a damned broken record, the only changes I’ve seen are the addition of supporting evidence!”

I rest on your merit: “Well, Doctor Mike Yeadon, thebritishdookiehowzerchildsavant, formervicepresidentofnoneotherthanpfizer, internationaldivisionheadofreseatchanddevelopmentofrespirstoryandallergieswholeftpfizerongoodtermsandstartedhisowndamnedpharmaceuticalcompanywhichhesoldfor50milliondollarsandcameoutofretirementoverthiscrap says… (here I quote you, usually word for word) …How much did you get for the pharmaceutical company you sold?”

I rest on your perseverance, honesty and your challenge: “Dr. Mike looked so sad. He’s right, he was figured into the plan from the beginning, but he’s wrong too. ‘They’ didn’t expect quiet voices to pack such power! Sukarit’s tears, Catherine’s frank disclosures, Mikes quivering jaw biting back rage, cash only Fridays, little things. Mike doesn’t like the public eye, it’s taken me 2 years of searching just to find platforms where there is even the slightest chance he will hear me! I can summon the bravery to pass out little pieces of art to strangers, with short messages hand printed on the backs. ‘They’ did not figure that into the scenario! Will it have any effect? Who knows? It is a very little thing, smaller than a clenched jaw, more tiny than a tear drop. Atoms are very small things, now, aren’t they?

I rest and then rise up anew! One cross word aimed at you ignites a rage and fury, I would be embarrassed for you to witness. It is very raw and ugly. Even my own mother is not allowed to say anything disparaging about “those doctors with whom (she) does not agree”.

Take heart Dear Doctor! The number of interesting thinkers, doing the smallest of things around the World, rising to your challenge is a mystery. It could be very, very small; no bigger than an atom, even. You of all people understands balance of benefits. ‘They’ have fostered and fomented addiction - have physicians give opiates for pain, manage pain by building tolerance, cut off supply over night, flood the black market - done! There is benefit to the sick plan BUT, junkies buy dope with cash. Contraband is cash only. The underground is on your side. They will not stand up to be counted but they will stand up to fight. Take heart! And thank you!

PS. I have a good bit of a substance known to interfere with mRNA synthesis… I don’t really understand exactly what that means or how to use it or anything for that matter but I have been unable to force myself to dispose of any of the waste from the 35 - 40 gallons which I put up, 10 of which are very pure. I follow you on telegram.

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I fully agree and while history gives us many examples - this is a unique moment in history and we've never seen a world-wide propaganda campaign like this before. Global control grid attempt, fully legacy media complicity. We can borrow surely from history, but we'll also need to think on our feet.

CBDC's are coming, and I hope enough has woken up, to resist that essential piece to the grid. We'll see.

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You may wish to revisit that awful War of Northern Aggression. Sherman’s March to the Sea was a devastating crime against humanity, following the orders of a tyrant. History’s pen is dipped in the ink well of the winners.

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For people to resist tyranny, they first have to recognize what they are living through as tyranny--and hopefully to have viable alternatives. But we have been highly conditioned to accept the vaccines as harmless and heroic and the masks as a minor inconvenience and heroic. We have also been living through a technological revolution that facilitated a lot of convenience for many people by enabling many of us to work entirely or partly from home. This transformation in the workplace was bound to happen thanks to technology, but for many people it happened overnight with COVID being the misleading and heroic explanation as to why we must work from home. Working from home has many benefits that make many of us more likely to tolerate the gaslighting of COVID culture. For most people, following social cues, feeling a sense of belonging and taking care of ourselves and our loved ones is a much more powerful force than critical thinking or liberty--which makes significant resistance unlikely. Liberty does live within the human heart, but it can also take very long naps, especially when the bed has soft and breathable sheets.

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Mother’s instinct is deeper than Liberty. The price is already too dear but it is being paid hand over fist. The grieving can not be considered completely sane.

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Hopefully the instincts of more and more people will tell them that something wrong has been happening.

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I try to make a habit of reposting interesting videos on my Odysee channel (gr8H8er2) and often share to social media but, I know for a fact I am shadow banned. On more than one occasion, people on Facebook confided they were too afraid to go to certain alt-news web sites but followed current events via my wall and commentary (… great! I’m an opinionated hot-headed asshole!) Still, what does get posted mostly is seen in an echo chamber. Sure, likes and comments are cool but, I’ve got booze, smokes and dope for a real buzz. They can keep their fiat intoxication in the Meta!

Anyway, Dr. Mike Yeadon challenged his audience to think outside the box and come up with ways to get the message out to people - people surrounded by zombies who will have their heads lobbed off if they even ask a question.. I’ve started making ‘Zentangles’ (repetative shape and line doodles) on small cards (1.5”x2”) and on the back, I hand write an alarming fact, citation and / or my Odysee info. When at the grocery store or gas station, I hand them out to a few carefully chosen people. (The criteria for selection, I cannot say but I am very selective. lol). I have no doubt many are thrown in the waste bin although some folks seem to really like my art and appreciate the gift? Maybe? The point is, all of the recipients are outside of my usual sphere of influence. I have stepped outside of a predictable outcome, I believe or hope? I know for a fact, those instincts of which you speak and have pinned miraculous норе upon have been felt by people who feel they are all alone. My main purpose is to give them ‘BELONG’, they are NOT alone and in fact DO belong to a large and growing group of human beings.

Please be fun and do have some careful along the way! (Not too much mind you, no adventure is safe.) Encourage the most efficient homeostasis possible and enjoy wellness! I pray for you and rejoice that my prayers are heard!

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Art! What a wonderful idea. Having had cards printed with my name only, I have the option to add contact info if the words I share with a stranger allow for further contact.

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i guess there’s no way to post photos here? (Oh Ho! Think outside the box!) https://t.me/+A1t2pCAJM7pkMDYx

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