Notwithstanding the allusions that some make to a halcyon, mythical and perfect past when press freedoms were supposedly completely unchecked, never in human history has there been a perfectly free press.
In reading your essay, I am reminded of a song. A great Canadian song. From the Canada that *was* before these dark, inverted times. In fact, from a great Canadian as well. Some of the metaphors, the allusions within the song resonate with your own herein. Here are just two verses:
"We asked for signs
The signs were sent:
The birth betrayed
The marriage spent
Yeah the widowhood
Of every government
Signs for all to see
I can't run no more
With that lawless crowd
While the killers in high places
Say their prayers out loud
But they've summoned up, they've summoned up
A thundercloud
And they're going to hear from me"
(Thankfully, we've heard from *you* Dr. Christian)
And Canada's Senate is the final obstacle to Trudeau-Singh's Canadian totalitarianism in terms of speech control. We'll see when Bill C-11 passes through the Senate in September/October.
American journalist Christopher Rufo has started a series of fantastic vids on Youtube on the mechanics of how the hard left took hold into all institutions. Highly recommend! All of his work is wonderful.
I'm optimistic. I feel that all this filth needs to come into full view in order to be destroyed.
The slow creep of the western version of tyranny has brought people to squint under the increasing weight. And many have reached the point of blindness. One doesn't need to widen eyes more than a sliver to recognise: there is no ultimate suppression of the human spirit. In our vulnerability, our truth also shines. And from that, springs our strength ... sooner or later.
This beautiful essay helps to lift the gaze ... 🙏✨💖
In reading your essay, I am reminded of a song. A great Canadian song. From the Canada that *was* before these dark, inverted times. In fact, from a great Canadian as well. Some of the metaphors, the allusions within the song resonate with your own herein. Here are just two verses:
"We asked for signs
The signs were sent:
The birth betrayed
The marriage spent
Yeah the widowhood
Of every government
Signs for all to see
I can't run no more
With that lawless crowd
While the killers in high places
Say their prayers out loud
But they've summoned up, they've summoned up
A thundercloud
And they're going to hear from me"
(Thankfully, we've heard from *you* Dr. Christian)
Ironically, the song is called "Anthem".
Here is a lovely performance:
And Canada's Senate is the final obstacle to Trudeau-Singh's Canadian totalitarianism in terms of speech control. We'll see when Bill C-11 passes through the Senate in September/October.
American journalist Christopher Rufo has started a series of fantastic vids on Youtube on the mechanics of how the hard left took hold into all institutions. Highly recommend! All of his work is wonderful.
I'm optimistic. I feel that all this filth needs to come into full view in order to be destroyed.
Thank you.
The slow creep of the western version of tyranny has brought people to squint under the increasing weight. And many have reached the point of blindness. One doesn't need to widen eyes more than a sliver to recognise: there is no ultimate suppression of the human spirit. In our vulnerability, our truth also shines. And from that, springs our strength ... sooner or later.
This beautiful essay helps to lift the gaze ... 🙏✨💖