I believe millions of Spirit-filled Christians worldwide are praying for wisdom and protection for Trump and all these men and women alongside him who are truly called "for such a time as this". I have not felt this hopeful since the Cdn Truckers Freedom Convoy, (where I watched -live - you interviewed, Dr. Francis, by, I believe, Viva Frei.) So thankful for your perspective, your understanding of history, the Bible, poetry, and medicine - well-rounded health. You are in my prayers frequently for protection and God's exponential magnifying of your voice of truth to reach more and more. Thank you for this thoughtful, truthful, encouraging piece. Thank you again for staying true to your oath in speaking up for Cdns - for innocent children not needing the risk of the mRNA.

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Both my father (Canadian Army, WW2) and my father-in-law (British Army, WW2) stated EMPHATICALLY: DO NOT GO TO WAR!!!!

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Thanks Dr Christian! We always appreciate your insights from your study of history into the events that are happening now. It is not left verses right; it is human rights and the rule of law verses corruption and depravity.

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Trump is not able to "make peace," all his words are those of an empty-headed braggart.

Peace will only come when the brave - ie the Russians - decide that Ukraine has been sufficiently denazified and demilitarized.

Already he is backtracking - as he always backtracks - and is talking about "appointing an envoy" to bring about the peace he promised in the first 24 hours of his administration.

This is called "passing the buck."

The writer confidently asserts that "Putin is not Hitler," as if this is self-evident; but in fact, these two share many striking similarities.

Like Putin, Hitler spent endless effort in seeking a peace with the Allies - he even dispatched his second in command to Scotland as a last desperate gambit.

He even offered to put the Kriegsmarine at the service of the British, so as to safeguard their empire.

Like Putin, he invaded a foreign country - Poland - as a direct result of the genocide of Germans which the Polish government, egged on by the British "guarantee of support," had spent much of 1939 prosecuting - those doubting this can research "The Bromberg Massacre."

Putin also makes a point of only attacking military targets, as Hitler also did - his aerial assault on Britain only coming six weeks after the criminal Churchill authorized, on his own account, the nightly bombing of German cities.

We are also told about "German atrocities," - the only problem with this libel is that none of them have been forensically validated; and in fact all spring from the depraved imaginations of the prosecutors at Nuremberg, who were so certain of their facts that the Germans in the dock were not allowed to speak in their own defence; and in response to the obvious German rejoinder that they did everything and worse than the things Germany was accused of - Dresden, anybody? simply convicted them by making up laws retro actively, eg "Waging aggressive war," when in fact it was Britain and France that declared war - not Germany.

But we should never ask rhetorical questions such as "What would have happened if Churchill had sought appeasement with Germany?" if we know - as we should - that that man had taken £40,000 in 1936 from "a shadowy cabal of British businessmen called the Focus Group" with the explicit quid pro quo that war with Germany was the only outcome they were interested in.

I'm assuming the writer meant to say "what if the aggressive push westwards of the communists had engulfed Germany?" rather than "had not engulfed Germany."

His apparent embrace of "the appeasement argument" then is seen not as "being ignorant of history," but in accordance with his stated belief that "the paths of peace need always to be explored."

He mentions those in DC who gleefully watch as Christians on both sides of the conflict slaughter each other, and thus implicitly gives the game away as to which group of "Chosen People" is behind the carnage.

But we should note that the Great Orange Peacemaker is devoted to these people as well, and has promised to come down violently against anybody opposing their nefarious world-conquering ambitions - so let's maybe wait for a more Christian group of people to take over the White House before taking our family photograph - assuming the unlikely event that it ever happens.

What we are in fact looking at is something which the writer fails to mention, ie the beginning of sorrows for God's people, and a Great Tribulation falling upon them, as it is written.

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I read you comment, but respecfully don't understand? Please, tell me again - in succinct terms - why we shouldn't seek or make peace in the principles of Jesus, the Prince of Peace? Why can't Trump do so? I'm not saying your thoughts aren't wothy or apt, but I'd like to know. Too, you question the rhetorical questions of history, but isn't it better to ponder and learn from the mistakes, rather than just accept them? Whatever the case, I'm with the author.

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Obviously, we should seek and make peace - but Trump cannot do so by simply prescribing it.

This must be done by the parties directly involved.

Trump's approach is to use the conflict to magnify his own ego, by claiming to be able to fix something in 24 hours which has been going on for 3 years.

He is not a Christian, so nothing he does will have the blessing of God upon it - or the blessings of the Prince of peace.

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Thanks for responding to clarify. I'm glad you advocate seeking peace - which, contrary to what you suggest, Trump will have enormous sway in, I can asssure you. Though I certainly agree it's very unlikely peace could be achieved in one day. However, I part with you in some thoughts, I believe God blesses us all and I don't know how you make determinations of another man's faith. He claims to be a believer, yet perhaps not? You also make another judgement of a man from afar, claiming he seeking peace (or claiming to) for ego reasons alone? I don't understand how you make such determinations, but perhaps you are right and it wouldn't matter to me either way if the outcome is peace. Regardless, thank again for clarifying however I differ with some.

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As time goes by, you will agree with me more and more.

btw, this "believer" cannot quote a single scripture, but when he does, it turns out not to be in the Bible.

He just makes things up as goes along, like every other psychopath with delusions of grandeur.

Have you seen that clip of him looking heavenwards, and saying "I am the Chosen One"?

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I see, you are a predictor of the future too. Good enough, and perhaps I will. We'll see, but I only pray for an outcome of peace.

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The way we know that the Bible is true is because it has the unique ability to predict the future.

I therefore, as a Christian, and with the "Mind of Christ," ( 1 Cor 2, 16 ) therefore have this ability too.

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I join with you in praying for the peace makers to prevail


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Without Churchill there would have been no second world war .

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Despite Trump's well-documented character defects, his unpredictability is a highly useful asset in negotiating a peace formula that ends the evil of U.S. financial and military exploitation of Ukraine and the evil of Putin's brutal restoration of the Soviet Empire. Yes, we must pray for a lasting and just peace!

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Thank you for your thoughtful plea for peace. It is much appreciated in these dark days.

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Thank you for the hopeful message Dr. Christian. Seeing that photo was uplifting for many, although the irony of their pariah status with so many others is hard to ignore. Now we seem to have an alliance between antifa and fanatical Islamics in Canada, backed up with propaganda from our news services. Is this part of the paid-for chaos program designed to undermine our hopes for peace? Clearly we need a new regime in Ottawa, as well, who are prepared to deal with the chaos in our streets and to work with the new US regime toward peace.

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"In Russia, on the other hand, the war in Ukraine is seen as an existential struggle not merely against an expansionist NATO which seeks to dominate Russian mineral and land resources, but a struggle between the Neo-liberal, neo-pagan West and a resurgent, ancient Orthodox Christian people and their faith." -


"Those in Washington who engineered the Ukraine war and are watching gleefully from the sidelines as Christians kill each other 3000 miles away from America, have managed to sell this war to a gullible and ever shrinking segment of the public, as a matter of not “appeasing” Putin. The days of these murderous warmongers, happily, seem to be numbered." -


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Beautiful. The concluding thought, quoting Jesus Christ, says it all. Or even Ben Franklin, "There was never a good war or a bad peace." Or, how about this one from Churchill, of all people! - "it's better to jaw-jaw rather than war-war! " Peace should always be sought, despite what these evil warmongers - especially from the left these days - tell us. As I strongly see it at least, or we can just do like the old days, "duck and cover." And never, ever, look at any bright lights.

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Beautiful. The concluding thought, quoting Jesus Christ, says it all. Or even Ben Franklin, "There was never a good war or a bad peace." Or, how about this one from Churchill, of all people! - "it's better to jaw-jaw rather than war-war! " Peace should always be sought, despite what these evil warmongers - especially from the left these days - tell us. As I strongly see it at least, or we can just do like the old days, "duck and cover." And never, ever, look at any bright lights.

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Hitler was fighting the same international bankers as patriotic Americans are today. If you read: "The Bad War" at: www.realnewsandhistory.com, you'll find history that is more in line with the truth than what we have received via our controlled media.

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4 true American patriots.

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