Another tour de force. I never used to even think in these terms to be honest with you. But for at least the past two years I stopped using the concept of right vs. wrong when it comes to the COVID issues. I now consider that we are indeed in a battle of good vs. evil. and all that entails.
This is exemplified on so many levels but let's just focus on the regulatory bodies that govern Medicine. Despite all of the data that have finally come out (the data were available for the past 2.5 years at least but never recognized; the data are at least now being written and talked about in near-MSM and even the MSM). Yet these regulatory bodies are STILL attacking MDs who practiced medicine ethically and morally whilst virtually lionizing those who, eagerly in many cases, followed so-called Health Canada guidelines without any critical thought (and KILLED innocent patients).
Even if you give the regulatory bodies the benefit of the doubt, and here I also include those who admit they were wrong 'but' the science has changed, how is it even remotely possible that the regulatory bodies have not dropped all of the inquisitions holus bolus? It cannot be explained by saying they're doing the 'wrong' thing. These Colleges are behaving not only idiotically in my opinion, but evilly.
As usual, top shelf. I cherish this quote: "If we recognize the obvious and admit that we are in a spiritual battle against evil, we must rely on overwhelmingly powerful spiritual resources, since “we battle not against flesh and blood.”
So important to define evil in a way that indeed makes it possible to identify it in real situations around us--as opposed to evil being a mythological concept that we reserve only for the dictators of the past or for some criminals who have been caught and put in jail. And when see evil for what it is, it also becomes easier to connect to the beauty and goodness around us.
Thank you for this very eloquent article which I have shared. Sadly, fear was able to be used by a coordinated conglomerate of evil people to override the sanity, analytical skills and instincts of parents, community leaders, employers, academics and thought leaders. The politicians and health authorities were already corrupted for the most part. We should be extra thankful for those who bravely stood against the anti-science propaganda who demonstrated the importance of staying true to fundamental principles of science and truth. Parents who followed all the “rules” to the soul crushing detriment of their children revealed how serious this problem is and how much work there is to do to prevent another stampede toward the cliffs of doom.
Another tour de force. I never used to even think in these terms to be honest with you. But for at least the past two years I stopped using the concept of right vs. wrong when it comes to the COVID issues. I now consider that we are indeed in a battle of good vs. evil. and all that entails.
This is exemplified on so many levels but let's just focus on the regulatory bodies that govern Medicine. Despite all of the data that have finally come out (the data were available for the past 2.5 years at least but never recognized; the data are at least now being written and talked about in near-MSM and even the MSM). Yet these regulatory bodies are STILL attacking MDs who practiced medicine ethically and morally whilst virtually lionizing those who, eagerly in many cases, followed so-called Health Canada guidelines without any critical thought (and KILLED innocent patients).
Even if you give the regulatory bodies the benefit of the doubt, and here I also include those who admit they were wrong 'but' the science has changed, how is it even remotely possible that the regulatory bodies have not dropped all of the inquisitions holus bolus? It cannot be explained by saying they're doing the 'wrong' thing. These Colleges are behaving not only idiotically in my opinion, but evilly.
As usual, top shelf. I cherish this quote: "If we recognize the obvious and admit that we are in a spiritual battle against evil, we must rely on overwhelmingly powerful spiritual resources, since “we battle not against flesh and blood.”
So important to define evil in a way that indeed makes it possible to identify it in real situations around us--as opposed to evil being a mythological concept that we reserve only for the dictators of the past or for some criminals who have been caught and put in jail. And when see evil for what it is, it also becomes easier to connect to the beauty and goodness around us.
Thank you so much Francis for using your linguistic talents for the benefit of others.
Great wisdom in all your writings.
Wonderfully written and greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.
Thank you for this very eloquent article which I have shared. Sadly, fear was able to be used by a coordinated conglomerate of evil people to override the sanity, analytical skills and instincts of parents, community leaders, employers, academics and thought leaders. The politicians and health authorities were already corrupted for the most part. We should be extra thankful for those who bravely stood against the anti-science propaganda who demonstrated the importance of staying true to fundamental principles of science and truth. Parents who followed all the “rules” to the soul crushing detriment of their children revealed how serious this problem is and how much work there is to do to prevent another stampede toward the cliffs of doom.
Outstanding! Many thanks for your keen analysis.
Thanks, Doc, I needed that. Just curious; is the evil a human evil or is it propelled by, well, Satan?
Good question, and as some have said, evil is an absence of God and the knowledge of His word in the minds, hearts, souls and actions of humans.