Absolutely. Our job as parents is indeed to train up our children. Questions are good. We all learn by asking and discovering. Children need to learn that their parents would do nothing to harm them, only help them. Therefore, yes, the parent must be in control and they hopefully are teaching God fearing values. Scripture says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom! Indeed. Parents who do not obey God have a hard time getting their kids to obey them.... that is obvious when you watch some parents and their children in restaurants, stores, etc. We have to, as parents, teach our kids what hopefully they will teach to their kids. Not doing that is disastrous. Teaching begins when the child is born, not later. Start young so you can be proud of hard working, respectful, kind children who grow up to be those kind of adults. We need that more and more these days, not less.

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Wonderful, deep advice! Thank you Dr. Christian!

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I love getting this man’s newsletters, but this one troubles me. Maybe I am not getting it? Teach our children to not obey their parents? This is not biblical. God says honor your parents and it will go well with you. I know many Christians whose children rejected the shot because they believed and listened to their parents. Question everything yes, and if parents are asking for obedience outside God’s commands then Obeying God trumps even that. Obeying parents can be a life and death situation. We told our children not to take the shot, 2 out of 3 took it. They were adults and made their own choices. Now they get to wonder if they will suffer an adverse event? Maybe they should have listened to their parents? Adults get to make their own choices. I don’t think it would have mattered what we said to our kids, the two were not willing to go through the persecution of not getting the shot. They listened to other voices.

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This demonstrates why the family is essential to society, and why outside forces are determined to eradicate it.

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Sage advice, Dr. Christian. I will add that fostering critical thinking skills in our children by giving them the freedom to ask questions isn't enough. To guard against being deceived we must teach them to recognize that first and foremost God protects us from pathogens through our exquisitely optimized immune system which it is our responsibility to keep healthy but which pharmaceutical interventions harm. (see u-call-the-shots.blogspot.com) Secondly, we must put into practice the underlying concepts of our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and thirdly, we must display fierce courage to resist tyranny, even sacrificially.

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Dear Dr. Christian, I applaud your essay on “WHY, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE AND HOW,” and totally agree! After recently viewing a YouTube short video, where a question was proposed to two young ladies (18-19) asking “...if one is traveling at 80 mph how much time would it take to travel 80 miles!

The young ladies took over a few minutes to come up with their answers and said “2 hours and then 1.45 hours!” This revealed to me my homeschooled child of 11 was able to answer 1 hour while publicly educated university attending young adults had no fricking idea! The public and private education system is training obedience to the state and not educating our youth!

Parents are kept so busy earning a living they fail to teach their children common sense and do not have the ability to educate their children themselves! What is the remedy? Start living on one salary and start educating your children at home! Yes, everyone has the ability to teach! Try using ABEKA homeschooling curriculum out of Pensacola, Florida!

Parents can fashion exactly what they want to teach their children towards a classic education and help their children receive critical thinking and problem solving skills too when utilizing ABEKA! There are other homeschool curriculum providers but ABEKA has the best available educational resources that I have personally utilized over the past 6 years, and it is Christian based. They provide the Christian educational material at no additional cost and if there are atheists that do not want to utilize that educational portion all they have to do is not teach it!

Our children are starving for true factual information and learning and the damn screens are not going to fill their educational appetites. Parents start helping your children by listening and attempting to answer their questions. Teach them to ask why, where, when, what and how!

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Agree 100 %- it’s time parents BE parents!!!

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Hear, hear!

In addition, an excerpt from one of my posts:

"Do you know who protected me — a low-risk, healthy individual — from taking the risky, leaky experimental shots?

It wasn't my doctor, my family, the President, Congress, the Supreme Court, my governor, the state health department, the FDA, the CDC, NIH, big Pharma, any scientist, or the media.

It was Me.

If there was any one thing that indirectly protected me from the experiment other than myself, it is my belief in freewill and natural law — inalienable rights granted to me by simply being a human being — upheld by the U.S. Constitution.

If there was any one person that indirectly protected me from the experiment other than myself, it was my middle school and high school science teachers who taught me how to perform and evaluate PROPER SCIENTIFIC METHOD."

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Critical thinking and asking the LORD for wisdom will prove to help one survive in this present darkness.

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Of course article titles are used to grab attention but...

Danger ahead Captain.

Genesis 3 NLT

1 The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the LORD God had made. One day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”

2 “Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,” the woman replied. 3 “It’s only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said, ‘You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die.’ 4 “You won’t die!” the serpent replied to the woman. 5“God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.”

Who is the ultimate authority? Self because I get to question everything?

Critical thinking has to be developed. But it is not, when we "question everything". Raising children has to involve teaching trust and obedience to proper authority at the proper time. Much is gained through listening, observing and thinking critically inordrer to arrive at understanding. When the mouth is open and words are flowing not much thinking is occurring.

It is ever more difficult to converse, these days, as people do not listen very well! It takes time to express an idea, especially, with nuance.

Have you tried to listen to panel "discussions / debates" recently with everyone talking over (questioning) each other? Useless!

From teaching children to adults there must be respectful listening and processing time. We need to "work / think" through things to develop rationality.

My basketball coach says call a time-out and I ask why? I will be sitting beside Him the rest of the game to figure out why.

There is a time and place for questioning but not everything all the time.

Try to run a house full of children or company with "adults" using that guiding principle!

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I see that you quoted Huxley. He and his family were eugenics proponents, so he is no hero himself. His dystopian book was not a warning, it was a wish. Be careful who you quote without background on the person you quote! I go to a gym named Exalt, and on a sign at the front door it gives several definitions of this word exalt. One of them quotes George Elliot! I find this funny because George Elliot was a pen name for a woman who was an atheist and living with a married man! I agree about questioning everything because this is exactly what the leviathan does not want, and exactly why we should. Understanding is the best thing in the world.

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You're absolutely correct. That may have been the biggest reason for all the madness. Most people did not ask a single question.

Hmm, I wonder how lockdown works for those who don't live in big houses like Fauci the roach? Hmm, I wonder how lockdowns work for the abuser and the abused?

Why are they making people stay indoors when the best place to be is outdoors?

Why are they saying "Don't try to treat"?

And on and on.

Is the lack of questioning a lack of curiosity or is it the desire to comply with "authority"? And questioning from an early age is natural unless stifled and nothing stifles like screen time. Here's to curiosity.

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This is a wonderful account ,and gets to the heart of the problem.

As you are saying, we are well past acceptance of what authority says. And so parents need to permit a friendly arena at home to give time and free practice time to their children, so they can learn this essential,urgent skill.

Clearly schools, universities are lost and irredeemable until the purge of the Augean stables. Anything that the corporate media says via all and every orifice that they muster , must automatically be mocked to scorn and fully rejected. As Orwell says- news is what they don't want you to know. Whereas the corporate slurry since Trump/ Brexit and COVID are intended to flood us like a tidal barrage. All lies.

You need Jesus to discern the real from the fake, you need the Tanakh to understand the broad principles and Paul to give you our daily condition.

No other way now.

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Yes, we should indeed teach this to our children. However, I am certain that most, if not all of you, are aware that our children will face backlash if they speak up. They will be targeted by their teachers, municipal politicians, and media conglomerates.

I propose that instead of solely educating our children about this issue, we take tangible action to address it. It is our generation's responsibility for allowing these problems to persist and transfer to the next generation, who had no hand in creating them and will have even fewer resources to combat them.

The only glimmer of hope I perceive is in the youngest generation, often referred to as Generation Z, which shows resistance to anti-Semitic rhetoric and remains unfazed by derogatory labels when voicing the undeniable truth.

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Well stated!

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"Questioning everything must be regarded as an essential survival skill that parents have the sacred duty to teach their children."

As you state, this is a key truth. It was not critical at the time I was growing up to *know* it, but anyone not taught this as a child or learned through experience as a young adult likely fell prey to the evil "leading" us.

As an engineer, I could no more stop asking why than I could stop breathing. And again fortunately, my entire career has been solving complex system problems where there is no perfect solution and the symptoms often seem to not make sense individually or as a whole. Those problems don't dissuade me; they entice me. Very fortunate, I was.

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