Dear covid vaccinated fellow human beings,
We the covid unvaccinated unwashed do not wish to tell you “I told you so.”
We did tell you that neither transmission nor infection nor increased deaths would be prevented with the mass injections of our population with an experimental vaccine that itself produces a toxic viral particle - but that is all in the past.
We did tell you that the toxic, viral particle (otherwise called “spike protein”) which the injection programs your cells to produce can itself cause a variety of terrible adverse events - or even kill you. But that too, is in the past.
Many of you are our close friends and family. We love you and we do not wish in any way to judge you - or any harm to come upon you.
Like the soldier duped into engineered wars by evil, unscrupulous leaders and politicians, we believe you too have been manipulated, coerced, propagandized, lied to and made to believe that you were being “patriotic.”
We have just lived through another Remembrance/Veterans Day - the brave soldiers who laid down their lives or have been marked by war with lost limbs or PTSD were not to blame for the hubris, greed and evil of their “leaders.”
Neither do we blame you for “rolling up your sleeves.”
We know beyond any doubt that almost every war is not fought for the defence of one’s own family or people - but for corrupt oligarchies, for corrupt politicians, for think tanks with evil intentions, for the multi billion dollar arms industry and for greedy corporations.
Why did you believe that big-pharma and the vaccine industry could not also be equally corrupt and evil? Only a little research would have showed you for example, that Pfizer has been indicted both for fraudulent marketing and bribes (in 8 countries) and has recently paid out yet another big settlement for fraud.
If you did not know it earlier, we must say again that there is an abundance of evidence that for almost all adult patients (healthy children are at negligible risk of covid related death and there was never a case for injecting them with the covid vaccine) effective, safe, outpatient treatment upon onset of symptoms, makes hospitalization or death extremely unlikely.
Many of you have realized you have literally been taken for a ride. When you dismount from the perilous steed you have been riding on, you will find us by your side, ready to help.
We do not believe the doom-sayers who say that most of you are going to die quite soon or that most of you will have significant vaccine related injuries. There is no evidence at all to support this extreme and unscientific claim. Since the body heals from a variety of insults with remarkable resilience, most of you are probably going to be alright - even though you have allowed this ridiculous, unsafe and ineffective injection to circulate in your body. If you belong to this group, we beg you not to tempt fate and under no circumstances ever “roll up your sleeves” for this dangerous vaccine again.
But for those who are significantly injured by the covid injection, there is an emerging body of medical science and literature that a courageous group of physicians are putting together, based on their experience in treating the hundreds of thousands of you with vaccine injuries. The latter may well soon run into the millions - but here too, there is hope for complete healing.. And we should not need to tell those in this group that to be covid injected again would be like signing on to a death warrant.
For those who have lost their lives to the covid injection, it is too late of course - but if you are their family or friends, please do not blame yourselves. The past cannot be undone, a better future beckons
We sincerely believe that you the masses of the covid vaccinated and we, the unvaccinated are in one, human family together.
We are certainly not better people than you - and we do not think any lesser of you because you were vaccinated.
The tyranny that tried to silence us, has clearly failed. The tyranny that injected you with the covid injection will also fail, since every tyranny has a defined lifespan - and no tyranny lasts forever.
Mankind’s overarching hope for a better tomorrow is not found at the end of a needle - but in life everlasting and an empty grave:
“No planet knows that this
Our wayside planet, carrying land and wave,
Love and life multiplied, and pain and bliss,
Bears, as chief treasure, one forsaken grave.”
Wishing my covid vaccinated brothers and sisters God’s Blessing and good health, I remain,
your fellow human being,
Francis Christian
This essay is the best I have read on how to face what happened to us, both the unvaxxed and the vaxxed. The most sober and thrufull analysis. Thank you Mr. Christian, somebody had to do say it and you did. May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire you sir.
I very much doubt the genuine sentiment of this essay is reciprocated from the injected. I am old enough to remember the all-out orchestrated, socially engineered othering and segregation of the unstabbed by almost anyone and everyone of prominence that vast swathes of the injected mindlessly went along with. We ignore the ease with which that happened in plain sight at our peril.