Thank you, I am turning your essay into prayer

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Thank you. Excellent message.

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Our problems in the modern era started with the French Revolution. It wasn’t a revolution. It was a terrorist attack. Same for what happened in Russia, and China, and Cambodia.

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Dr. Christian, thank you for your blueprint, eloquently expressed and infused with hope, on how to evict the cultural Marxist "terrorists" in our midst. Ultimately, the message and reality of the Cross and Resurrection is the antidote to their poisonous ideology.

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As always, Dr. Christian you write such truth and in a poetic way. Thank you for your hopeful message. Blessings.

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Thank you!

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#4 Meme 'em out the door.

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Absolutely amazing article - full of Truth , sound reasoning , insight into the ‘mind ‘ of the Communist, and perhaps most importantly, the answer. Jesus remains the answer - his love his power , Him. Amen

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Mar 16·edited Mar 16

Dr. FC - our enemy is not communism, Marxism or any other ism - it's DaSynagogue of Satan (DSOS). How so?

If we keep in mind that Christianity was a pillar of Western Civilization and dealt with the DaSynagogue of Satan (DSOS) over hundreds of years, it had to be undermined first to corrupt the west.

This is what happens when Christianity is converged into churchianity - upon leaving the spiritual battlefield on ALL fronts, it becomes a self-focused pursuit of .

be-nice individual pietism, escapism, ignorant and delusional wishful thinking - all at the cost of losing the culture and the resultant society at large. In other words, what Christianity built over hundreds of years, churchianity turned it over to Satan's servants and thus became servants themselves by default.

"My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge!" - Hosea

In other words, what we can clearly see materially has a fundamental spiritual basis. -

https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2022/09/the-gap-in-understanding-world-affairs.html?m=0 - no, I'm not talking religiosity.....I'm talking REALITY!

It took me years to finally erase the previous indoctrination of school, culture etal to begin seeing the light of truth and reality.

Is it hopeless then for us to turn events around and restore Christian sanity? Not in the least - we just need to understand where the restoration lies - churchianity needs to be restored to Christianity! Biblical history confirms Sun Tzu - knowing yourself and your enemy guarantees victory. Right now, most folks - both secularists and churchians - know neither. Sad, but true!

How so? Introducing Gary North - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2021/03/in-essenceit-always-wasand-still-isa.html?m=0 - lot to read.

After all this, if you’re still interested - www.crushlimbraw.com - starts at the very beginning and the links to the interrelationships between Government Religion Politics Culture - it's a long and arduous ride - but dang, it's been exciting! And - obviously - is picking up speed, so hang on!

BTW - Bolshevism = DaSynagogue of Satan

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I thank God for this well spoken, written, gal!! Keep up the excellence in writing about truth & justice, that is your gift to the world.

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