My faith in doctors left long ago when I was a student and working in medicine to determine my future. I experienced the arrogance of physicians who rarely listened to the actual patient, never supported nutrition and exercise as solutions, and relied heavily on Pharma for solutions.

Then my daughter was vaccine injured, sparking an allergy overnight, she went from a sleep-through-the night two month old to an all over rash, crying and in-pain baby. Did my pediatrician figure it out? Aside from recommending ground up chicken and high fructose corn syrup (prescription formula), no. A friend pointed out how to fix the problem (stop eating any milk product or soy product) and my baby healed and thrived.

This was after being treated by an OB/gyn who told me after four years of trying to get pregnant (and two rounds of fertility meds and ultrasounds) that I didn’t ovulate and I would need IVF. Instead, I cleaned up my diet, took herbals for a few months and I was pregnant. I now have five children.

My husband got shingles a week after his daughter snuck off and got the chicken pox vax with the help of her bio mom. He went to the ER and they diagnosed him with a sinus infection, but it was shingles on his face. He was finally diagnosed by a doctor close to retirement after three days of excruciating pain.

My dad almost died of a brain bleed from taking eliquis in 2020. I had to fight tooth and nail to be with my mom while making life-saving decisions. Only one of us was allowed with him, even though his survival rate was extremely small. He did survive. And then he was convinced to take the V, and now his leukemia is advanced. My mom took the vaccine and now has heart arrhythmia, passed out on the sidewalk and broke her arm and face. She needs a pacemaker. My sil now has MS symptoms but has not been given any diagnosis (but many different meds) since the V. My aunt had her thyroid removed for suspicion of cancer.

Unless I am dying, I am not going to the doctor or hospital. The Pharma method of treatment has caused so much harm, all while the FDA is trying to eliminate natural medicines used for hundreds of years. I use homeopathy, nutrition, herbals, and I haven’t taken an antibiotic in 15 years. At 51, I’m not on a single allopathic medication.

You want people to trust medicine? You’ll need to completely re-educate doctors out of the Pharma model.

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Doctors indeed should not be censored so that they cannot articulate scientific truths (such as the fact that a particular vaccination policy cannot be presented as absolute truth because science is an open-ended process of inquiry); at the same time, doctors, like people in all professions, should self-censor and self-examine to ask themselves whether the values and principles that should govern their profession are alive in their hearts. In a well-functioning civilization, doctors should be humbly using the science and art of medicine to help solve and manage medical problems--which is indeed a noble and very helpful profession. While many doctors in our society are doing that, it is also important for doctors to ensure that the high status that society has given them is not misused for purposes of control and that they do not demand blind obedience and “worship” from society. Given how useful medicine often is for solving problems, maintaining and restoring trust and respect should not be excessively difficult if doctors focus on their mandate of serving the health needs of individual patients.

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I don't like the word 'compassion'. Compassion for its own sake or misapplied can lead to nasty places. How about just plain consideration or even empathy?Though, not sure I need my doctor to be empathetic. I just need them to be competent and not gaslight me.

Do we need to distinguish between 'medicine' and 'science'? A physician has little time to read scientific literature and is not trained as a scientist. From what I've learned, they barely get any hours of learning in immunology for example.

We need them to stop being overtly political (way too many are) or engaging in political activism (social justice in particular) which I think diverts precious time for them to actually go in and dig for scientific literature I reckon, as well as to return to a status of professionalism. It's quite obvious the pharmaceutical industry holds a heavy influence over the medical establishment and this needs to be addressed.

I could be wrong in this claim.

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They also get very few hours of vaccines, they are just told they “saved the world” and are “safe and effective” and spend most of their education time in how to convince parents to accept them. They know little about the 1986 injury act, VAERS, or the underreporting factor. They really don’t care, they get extra $ for compliance from insurance companies, so they push them without even understanding the risks.

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Thank you for your continued faithfulness in this fight.

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Another wonderful essay, Francis. Looking forward to hearing you speak next week in Baddeck!


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