I sometimes ask the Lord “why do I see what I do and so many others, smarter than me don’t”. I don’t have an answer yet but I only know that I cannot unsee what I have seen. Evil is so present and only God can fix this. My job is to keep trusting him.

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I just posted the same question yesterday online after

Hancock's (UK's Health Minister) plandemic files were made public by the media.

How could I see clearly in March 2020 that all of the garbage the clueless "experts" were telling their subjects was fake and entire countries with renowned "experts" didn't see it?

Then by December 2020 the distribution of injectable bioweapons started - the would be religious leaders lined up to get injected and brought their followers with them. If these "leaders" had any semblance of contact with God, they are the ones that would have saved their followers.

This now brings another observation: do you need anybody between you and God? Why does the society needs these blind religious "leaders".

In some sense, this experience signals a new beginning - assuming that the population starts thinking seriously.

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Thank you, Francis. I needed to hear this today.

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Shakespeare's Hamlet provides a good example of how our society, in practice, defines sanity: as going along with whatever the dominant social cues are--even if those social expectations are corrupt. Hamlet is given the message that it is crazy to care about the corruption in the Danish court when he stands to benefit from being a prince and has a lot to lose by speaking out against corrupton. Jesus was ultimately successful because people felt a sense of truth in his words. Today, a different idea is being marketed as the ultimate truth: that a convenient and well-supplied life can be facilitated by listening to experts and believing that every problem has a diagnosis and a solution. We are thus happy to classify, label and categorize people instead of focusing on the unifying concepts of liberty and love. Indeed, diagnoses and medical/technological solutions can be useful and have core truth, but we have gone too far in believing in the absolute power of experts, who in effect have come to replace God. Hopefully the human need to feel love, interconnectedness and liberty will remain sufficiently strong.

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Encouraging to hear this message after two full years of being considered ‘crazy’

Thanks Dr Christian !

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Thank you, Dr. Christian. You are a shining light on the days when one, indeed, feels crazy.

Soli Deo Gloria.

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Your words here Dr. Christian make tears well up in my eyes. We are ready for the truth to be told. Let us pray we all have the courage to stay the course. Blessings to you.

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A refreshing perspective written from a heart of compassion for the “crazy” thinkers who dare to think creatively and freely. Grateful for your ability to articulate my heart - and the heart of so many of us who need to come out of the darkness and into the light of truth. There is true freedom under that light, including the freedom to accept others just as they are. And yet as you have done so eloquently, Dr. Francis, you are courageous enough NOT to leave us as we are, but to call us to a higher level of community and unity. A certain “Radical” named Jesus once walked this earth, and through His provocative words and lifestyle, inspired and led many to experience that there is NO FEAR IN LOVE.

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Thank you, for your sacrifices towards a better world.

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Thank you for the inspiration!

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The beginning of the end?

Many blue pilled are already living their bunkers as explained below. There are a lot of one directional quantum leaps between the 2 parallel universes that the global predators created in 2020.

 Switzerland: The Tide Has Turned (Video)

“The game is up. The leaders of our world now know that the injections are lethal and have maimed millions. - They are extremely concerned that their own families have been poisoned and maimed. There is consensus that justice must be served.”


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