Turning Point Canada (TPC)
- repeating the American grassroots movement in Canada (and elsewhere)
The picture (and video) below is from the blistering, miraculous, glorious speech that Vice President J.D. Vance gave in Munich yesterday.
This other picture and X post (below) is likely much less well known to my readers - and even less well known to the world outside North America. It shows the founder and director of “Turning Point USA” Charlie Kirk, taking a ride with J.D. Vance, in the Vice President’s official airplane.
The two pictures are inextricably connected. It is the latter that led to the former - and it is that connection that I shall write about in this essay, a movement and connection which provides a pathway to the regaining of political and moral power to all those who love truth and freedom, wherever and in whichever country they may live. But because of our shared history, it is particularly applicable to Western nations and even more so, to English speaking nations of the Western world.
Without the broad, wide and deep American grassroots movement that powered the Trump-Vance ticket, there would be no Trump presidency - but before I describe and list the key principles of the American grassroots experience, repeatable in Canada and elsewhere, I should like to define the following terms:
Grassroots Movement - a movement involving the ordinary citizen, across a wide swathe of society and not necessarily connected to official political parties.
The “Old” Left - left wing political affiliation that once existed in the West (and still exists in fragments) which believed in the uplift of the poor, peace and environmentalism. This group is fundamentally not necessarily in conflict with the “Right” (defined below).
The “Woke” Left - a.k.a. the demonic Left. This is what we shall call the “Left.” Those who belong to this movement believe in: forever wars, trans and pride indoctrination and mutilation, globalism, forced redistribution of wealth, intrusive government surveillance and government as the solution to all our problems. This is the “Left” of life and politics in the modern world that has replaced the “old” left - and is the reigning version of left wing politics today.
The Right - we who believe in truth, freedom, liberty, free speech, conscience rights, individual rights and small government are the “Right.” We are also “conservative” - since we seek to conserve all that is best in Western civilization!
Turning Point USA (TPUSA) was not the only American Grassroots Movement that proved powerfully indispensable to the regaining of power by the American Right - but it was the dominant force, a veritable powerhouse of massive mobilization and change. I shall therefore use TPUSA as the repeatable Template which can be studied and reproduced in other nations. The need for a Canadian version of TPUSA (and a British, Australian etc) is urgent - the time is short and an opportunity may not present itself again.
I shall describe the TPUSA grassroots Template as a list of principles which may be studied and copied elsewhere:
Single Minded Purpose. The overwhelmingly primary purpose of the Right in the American grassroots movement was the taking of power. Everything else was secondary, including particular causes that were recognized as vitally important in themselves, but had to be subservient to the primary purpose of taking power (in America, this meant presidential power). Thus, causes such as pro-life, anti-mandates, anti-covid injection, anti-climate change hysteria etc had to take a temporary back-seat.
Unity. Not only did the conservative American grassroots organizations not fight each other, they actively sought each other’s help. Organizations and movements on the Right were considered “co-belligerents” in the battle to take executive power (the Presidency).
A Broad Tent. From the beginning, Charlie Kirk and TPUSA did not demand ideological purity in order to become a member or activist in the grassroots movement. As Charlie Kirk puts it, “we never administered a purity test.” This meant that all those on the Right could unite in a common cause - i.e. the ousting of the Woke Left from power. The seizing of power by democratic means by the Right, was the sole uniting purpose of TPUSA.
Daily, weekly, year-round, boots-on-the-ground work. Grinding, hard work. TPUSA was not at all an “armchair warriors” exercise. They had their own internet presence and podcasts, but the bulk of the work was community organizing, door-knocking, signing up to vote campaigns and “chasing the vote” warriors in multiple U.S. States.
Bottom up political change. TPUSA started challenging local elections and putting forward their own “change” candidates. Slowly and surely, they infiltrated the local Republican Party organizations - and then the national Republican Party itself. The “old” Republican Party, which was the Uniparty of RINOs (Republican in name only) was replaced in committees, councils and boards by grassroots TPUSA endorsed members. The chair of the national Republican Party (Ronna McDaniel) had to resign. Several “woke” Republican members of Congress (eg. Mitt Romney) had to either resign or face primary challenges from TPUSA endorsed candidates, which they lost. To this day, TPUSA regularly threatens primary challenges to Senators who do not confirm President Trump’s cabinet picks - Senators usually fall in line.
Movement based in Conservative Strongholds - then fanning out. TPUSA is now based in Arizona. But it is powerful throughout America and particularly in the “swing” states of Michigan, Wisconsin etc. In Canada, there is no point basing the grassroots movement in Toronto! It ought to be based in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Eastern BC, Rural Manitoba and Rural Ontario - and once established, the movement should take aim at the electoral “swing” area in Canada (i.e. Greater Toronto and the 401).
Financial Backing. Conservative big-wigs and businessmen will open their wallets and back the grassroots movement once they are convinced that the movement is viable, powerful, full of potential - and modelled on the TPUSA movement. Charlie Kirk started his movement with almost nothing -then was written a $10K cheque by a wealthy, conservative donor. And now runs a multimillion dollar, grassroots organization.
Legal Backing. TPUSA has powerful lawyers who leap to the organization’s defence proactively. In Canada (and elsewhere) a legal indemnity fund and program should achieve the same purpose.
Optimism. TPUSA is overflowing with enthusiasm and a positive attitude. Nay-sayers and doom merchants have no place in the organization.
Youth Based, Youth Powered. Although TPUSA seeks to actively mobilize grassroots of all ages, it is primarily a youth driven organization. Charlie Kirk is 31 years old! TPUSA held university and high school events in more than 1500 campuses across the county, which steadily grew in number, size and popularity. The movement is mainly run by those under the age of 45! And it led to Donald Trump securing the youth vote by a massive margin.
Back A Party With A Viable Path to Power: In America, this meant the Republican Party. TPUSA regarded the Republican Party as a party that had a small base of conservatives - which could be progressively enlarged (see above), until they became the dominant presence in the party. In Canada, this must be the CPC (Conservative party of Canada). Once the grassroots challenges the primaries and establishes its power, the party big-wigs will come knocking. But as in the USA, this should not be simply a “federal” movement. It should be a genuine, grassroots, bottom-up movement that targets local elections, provincial elections and federal elections with energy, hard work and endless enthusiasm.
Create An Entrenched, Self-Propagating Movement. TPUSA is so entrenched and established in American politics that the entire conservative establishment holds it in awe. The left knows that TPUSA is not a flash in the pan - but a movement that will reshape American politics for generations.
The principles enumerated above are capable of being reproduced in Canada (and elsewhere). My prayer and hope is that a young person (or group of young people) reading this essay will take up the challenge and start a TPUSA-like movement in Canada. The possibilities thereafter are endless.
Many of us have watched with breathless excitement and joy as the 47th President has unleashed his constitutional executive power for common sense, for transparency, for peace.
Canadians don’t like the tariffs, but willingly or (more often) unwillingly cannot but admire the monumental events unfolding South of the border. All this would have been impossible without TPUSA and the American grassroots movement.
We badly need Turning Point Canada (TPC). It is an urgent and existential need - and we have a very few short years available to make it happen.
Those who believe that TPUSA cannot happen in Canada should remember that what TPUSA achieved in America was also once thought impossible. But it did happen!
More importantly, we should believe and act out what the Angel Gabriel proclaimed to the Virgin Mary - “with God nothing shall be impossible.”
"We badly need Turning Point Canada (TPC). It is an urgent and existential need - and we have a very few short years available to make it happen." Thank you Dr. Christian for this article and I couldn't agree more with your sentence in quotes. Let's hope it happens before there is no hope of it ever happening. Throughout JD Vance's speech it was pretty clear to me that he was saying listen to the people and let them speak. Hope that catches on in Canada soon too.
Thank you for your careful thought. Like a deep sea current, the grass roots movement has started in Canada already. The post-national agenda will not prevail and reconstructive evil will be replaced with restored strength and freedom that is secure in Canada. Please check out my book on the matter: The Battle for the Soul of Canada: Firing the Forge.