Sometimes, tyrannies come to a bloody end - and when this happens, an even bloodier tyranny will often takes its place.
Peaceful, mass civil disobedience can end tyrannies too - as in Mahatma Gandhi’s peaceful movement that ended the British colonial tyranny. The recent, wildly successful Truckers’ Freedom Convoy is a glorious, present day example of a civil disobedience movement that made the Canadian covid tyranny and its tin-pot dictator tremble.
There is another way that merges with the path of civil disobedience, but travels its own peaceful, distinctive, unique pathway to freedom - and that is the way of a widening and expanding foundation base of freedom. In other words, a fiercely persecuted minority tenaciously keeps fighting the tyranny - and over time, more and more people join this group of rebel renegades, until freedom’s cause can no longer be ignored. From this point forward, what was once a trickle of freedom turns into a tide that cannot be stopped.
The communist totalitarian regime that ruled the Soviet Union was opposed, fought against and resisted even during the darkest days of the communist terror that resulted in millions of resisters being executed or sent to prison and concentration camps (the gulag). Those fighting for freedom and against gigantic odds in this fashion, constituted a minority of no more than 10% of the population of Russia.
But another 70% or so of the Russian population (this proportion was repeated with remarkable constancy throughout the Soviet empire) did not believe the communist narrative, did not willingly participate in the collectivist hell of communism and in private, they often ridiculed the dictates and propaganda radio and TV programs of the communist state. They did not resist, and they did not join the 10%, since in their calculation, it was obvious that if they did, they too would end up in the gulag, be tortured or executed.
The most dangerous and the most deluded (and also the most committed and dedicated) section of the Russian population in the Soviet Union, was the 20% who believed wholeheartedly in the communist cause and in the need for a totalitarian, communist dictatorship and tyranny to serve the needs of a continuous, bloody, communist revolution. The abuses, the cruelty, the torture chambers, the firing squads and the gulags were all thought to be necessary, essential for the “common good.” This 20% actually believed they were doing good.
The 10% who kept fighting for freedom, never wavered, never relented, never gave up. When all their means of communication were seized and became arms of government propaganda (including the press, radio and television), they created the Samizdat press (“alternative, underground press” in Russian). When the militantly atheistic communist regime shut down the churches and executed faithful priests, the 10% created a massive, underground, house church movement. When the Bible was banned - the smuggling in of Bibles became one of the most dangerous, risky and rewarding enterprises of the resistance.
The 10% was always snapping at the regime’s heels, harrying its operatives, defying its dictates, making sure that the communist tyranny did not get a moment’s rest.
Meanwhile, the Soviet communist system was turning against itself. All tyrannies do that - and totalitarianism wears a very wobbly crown over a very uneasy head. Many former rulers of the communist terror became the hunted themselves and were marched off to the gulag or the firing squad. Many more changed sides to the new version of communism, but alway led furtive, fugitive lives. Some bloody tyrants like Leon Trotsky managed to flee the new terror - but were hunted down in foreign lands and assassinated.
By the 1970s, the 10% of faithful rebels and resisters had expanded their ranks - and more and more of the majority 70% had streamed into it. Slowly, but surely, like a stream that slowly swells with the arriving rain, the 10% had become 20% and then 30%. When this happened, the end of the Soviet communist system was near. It was predictable - and it was foreordained by the history and experience of similar uprisings, similar swelling of the ranks of the minority resistance until an irresistible torrent of defiance makes freedom’s victory inevitable. The collapse of the Soviet Union occurred in the early 1990s - but the seeds of its collapse were sown at least twenty years earlier.
In a fascinating repeat of the recent past, the covid tyranny that we have been living through is following a very similar pattern.
In Canada and throughout the Western world, a minority of 10-20% were resolutely against the covid tyranny from the time it reared its serpent head early in 2020. This irrepressible minority resisted the soul-sapping lockdowns, it resisted the useless and demeaning masks, it resisted the mandates, it ridiculed the propaganda and it fled the “needle in every arm” narrative. When the tyranny censored and deplatformed its voice in legacy media and the press, this minority started its own version of the Samizdat press - numerous independent channels, Rumble, Bitchute and even new TV channels wedded to the idea of a free press. In Canada, when the legacy printed word was telling shameful lies and making abominable claims, a new and free newspaper was launched (“Druthers”) with volunteers distributing this voice of freedom directly to the people - to homes and in malls and town squares. In the UK and Ireland another printed, free press newspaper, appropriately named “The Light” is being similarly distributed directly to the people.
60-70% of the Canadian population went along and surrendered to the covid tyranny, but were soon aware aware that the nonsensical “safe and effective” religious mantra was pernicious and false. The lockdowns and exclusions and masks did not make sense either, but they went along with the narrative, since not to do so, would risk the wrath of the authorities and persecution. Cowardly perhaps - but let us “judge not, lest we be judged.”
The 20% in the covid tyranny who are the most committed to the tyranny and actually believe they are doing good, are the most dangerous of course. They are stubbornly oblivious to data and to transcendent truth, believing instead in their own, manufactured, postmodern version of “truth.” They pursue their agendas with maniacal zeal and stride the halls of their own delusion with arrogance. They control the media, the legacy press and the police. The persecution they unleash is a sign of their own insecurity, but the more insecure their position, the more fierce, irrational and cruel the persecution becomes.
Thus it was in the Soviet Union and thus did this uneasy state of tyranny prevail in Canada for several months. The resistance did not flag, it did not stumble, it did not surrender - but there seemed to be no end in sight to the totalitarian tyranny and its ability to cause suffering.
And then - the Truckers Freedom Convoy rolled into Ottawa and it was like throwing several, stout logs of sweet-smelling cedar wood into the fire of freedom. The flame erupted in a mighty blaze that was seen around the world - and Canadians, including many in the 70% realized they were not alone. Mandates started falling, restrictions were lifted and even the fake “emergency” was true to script - since one of the goals of an effective civil disobedience movement is to provoke a response. The ranks of the minority have been slowly increasing since that time - and this signals the beginning of the end of the tyranny as surely as day follows night. Perhaps not tomorrow or even the next year - but sooner than many of us think.
There cannot be any complacency, however - and the resistance should not slumber nor sleep. Many of those who “went along” (the 70%) have crossed over to our side - and many are even taking on the fight themselves, giving the original 10% a well deserved rest. But it should only be a rotation of the troops - and the fight must be resumed in earnest, until the tide of freedom beats down and overruns the fragile ramparts of tyranny.
The National Citizens Inquiry (into the covid pandemic) to which I gave expert witness testimony yesterday is part of this tide of freedom that is fast gathering pace. Every crashing wave of freedom makes the tyrant retreat further into isolation and eventual oblivion.
No tyranny lasts forever - and every tyranny has a defined lifespan. That is the order of things, the nature of reality and an immutable law of the universe. The covid tyranny is following a well worn path to its own demise.
Thank you. I heard your testimony on Thursday (I missed your Q and A that was interrupted, but I'm going to watch when I can). I was proclaiming that if any nay-sayer in my family or circle heard you, it would be all over. They'd join team resistance.
We (my husband and I) were hoodwinked in 2020, up until the fall. It was nigglng at me that there were so few C19 cases in my community. Then my students were flying out of the country, while we couldn't gather for dinner with family. Next, I found Dr. Kory and his videos on treatment and captured alphabet agencies. Then I found Dr. Bridle in Feb. 2021. Next, Alex Berenson's pamphlet on "vaccines" and the actual trials made me go "whoa." Then it was Dr. McCullough. And Dr. Bridle again, discussing the bio-distribution studies and that "we'd made a mistake." Next, I found Dr. Trozzi. And then you, standing in the park shouting out to parents that informed consent was not taking place. Next I found Mathew Crawford...then Dr. Jessica Rose. And on and on.
I've tried to do my "little" part. I wrote to my local health department about Dr. Bridle's discovery and the school boards when they were promoting kids get vaxxed. I tried to share with family and friends (that didn't go too well).
Thanks again, and my prayers to the warriors who stood up first and said, "enough."
A message full of truth and hope- and I pray that this trend you outline so wonderfully in your essay will continue- that humanity will continue to awaken to the reality what the world went through in this “plandemic”
Amazing testimony during the Citizens Inquiry- well done as always!!