A remarkable disappearing act has taken place in the last thirty odd years since the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991. Through a coordinated propaganda campaign by think tanks, legacy media, the internet and governments, the mass genocides, murders, terrors, tortures, incarcerations, disappearances, show trials, famines and multiplied miseries of Communism have been all but completely hidden from the masses.
You would think that a system that systematically and ruthlessly killed many more millions than the Nazis did and lasted for many more decades than the short, murderous rule of the third Reich would be the subject of numerous scholarly studies, retrospective news articles, actual narratives and case studies and dedicated academic departments. Clearly, this has not been the case - and there is instead a desire by the ruling classes to induce a sense of mass amnesia about the horrors of Communism. Why is this?
Hollywood has no doubt also played its part in this game of subterfuge and omission. There have been numerous well know, moving motion pictures about the terrors of the Holocaust in which millions of Slavs, Jews, Poles, Gypsies, homosexuals and the disabled were killed. Lest we forget, we must remember the evils of Naziism. But can you remember the last Hollywood generated motion picture that showed you the stories of the much greater number of people that the Bolsheviks (Russian Communists) put to death in the Soviet Union during the years of Communism? Or of the gulag prison system that the Bolsheviks invented to starve, torture and imprison political and other dissidents (and the many, stirring stories of defiance in the gulag, including those by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn). Or of the millions of Christians who were persecuted, imprisoned, tortured and put to death by the Communists? For example, why has there not been a Hollywood motion picture that describes the compelling story of the Christian pastor Richard Wurmbrand (my readers can read his breathtaking, heroic, true story in the 1970s era book, “Tortured for Christ”) who endured many years of torture under Communism? Some motion pictures that tell these stories were produced privately, but not by the marketing and financial juggernaut that is Hollywood. Why is this?
The answer is actually quite simple. The ideological descendants of the same people behind the murderous Bolshevik Communist regime that brought unspeakable suffering to millions of Russians and Eastern Europeans (before engulfing China and SE Asia in a similar convulsion), are in charge of our Western Governments and institutions today. The same players, the same playbook, the same international goals. They don’t want you to know of the connection of course - because if you do, the similarities are so stark that you will take notice and be enraged. The Bolsheviks/Communists of today are just as determined, just as ruthless, just as efficient and likely much more powerful than their Soviet ancestors. We ignore them at our peril.
To the well known aphorism, “those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it,” I would like to add another phrase of my own, that perhaps more accurately describes the present - those who sleep through the past are sleepwalking into disaster.
Mr. Twain may be getting close to the truth when he says “history does not repeat itself, but it does often rhyme,” but the evidence for actual repetition from the past in the present, is there for all of us to see.
My readers will forgive me at this stage, if I introduce to this essay a definition of terms and names, since even the recent past is often successfully (and intentionally) blotted out of our memories by the global propaganda apparatus. My definitions are those commonly accepted and should not be controversial:
The Bolsheviks (and their brand of Communism - Bolshevism) were the political/governmental arm of Communism in Russia and in 1917, they came to power through a violent revolution. Most of my readers will know of the cataclysmic events of the October Revolution of 1917.
Examine the list below, of changes in Russian society the Bolsheviks brought about by force of decree and under threat of torture and death - and compare them with the governments, think tanks, media and leaders in our Western nations today and what they are trying to do to us:
The Bolsheviks proclaimed atheism as the official doctrine of the Soviet government.
They destroyed Churches and put thousands of Christian Orthodox priests and Christians to death. Many endured unspeakable tortures and imprisonment. The iconic, historic and sacred Cathedral of Christ The Saviour in Moscow was demolished and later converted into a swimming pool.
The Bolsheviks fully legalized abortion for the first time in human history.
They made loyalty to the state the ultimate morality - more than loyalty to God, family or friends. Children were mocked and persecuted in school if they (secretly) attended Church. A familiar Soviet slogan of the time was: “to betray your neighbour to the State is a sacred duty. But to betray your family is the highest duty of all.”
They collectivized farms and made the State the owners of the means of food production. This led to severe, lethal famines - which were designed as a means of mass genocide (eg. The six million Ukrainian and Russian peasants and their families who perished in the Holdomor).
The press, radio, television and printing presses were placed under State control and the words “disinformation” and “misinformation” were introduced into the vocabulary of the people. It was always the state that defined these terms.
The Bolsheviks implemented secret, covert and overt, constant, unrelenting surveillance of the people, by the State and its secret police. There was no right to privacy. “Big Brother” was everywhere.
Show trials, where the verdict was known before the evidence could be presented, became the order of the day. Those who were scheduled for these show trials already knew their fate - death, the gulag, banishment, torture or the mental asylum.
Bolshevism created an elite class which terrorized the people through their control of media, the armed forces, the secret police and the economy. In Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” this is memorably described when the pigs of the farm declare, “all animals are equal; but some animals are more equal than others.”
Moving home cooking into factory kitchens was actively promoted by the Bolshevik government and leading Bolshevik leaders believed that housework and the rearing of children must be taken over by the State. Collective laundries, crèches and canteens multiplied. Marriages by the Church were abolished and divorce became easy to obtain.
Many more decrees were also passed and implemented by the Bolshevik Communists - and my readers can verify all this by searching the internet through a relatively free search engine such as yandex.com or metager.org (since the major search engines are all part of the state propaganda machine).
How did this destructive ideology, so similar to what we see around us arrive and take root in the West? The latter shall be the subject of part 2 of this two-part essay.
The eerily similar, modern, Bolshevism of the West is much stronger, much more established, much more pervasive and resilient than we think - but these tyrants turn out to be cowards when they know their game is up and their end is near.
More with my next Substack.
Excellent Francis.
You have summarized textbooks of knowledge so clearly.
The link is clear.
Thank you for your wisdom
So where, exactly, is the Christian church in denouncing this? They are too busy getting woke.